Friday, 11 September 2009

First attempt

Hi, here two photos of our first attempt to get to the lake: walking.
Unfortunately, we were only able to cross 115 meters of mud... the Waker was too heavy and the mud too muddy:-)
But we still believe that "se pueede". We maybe need some medium of transportation technically evolved....something like the 007`s car. Let's see if we find anything similar here in the Beni.
Stay tuned!


  1. Oye y si os adherís unas plataformas en la planta de los pies..¿no lograríais vencer el lodo? Así, tipo raquetas para la nieve...
    o sino, cortáis un montón de ramas y os hacéis un caminito verde encima del lodo...
    o tablas, mejor tablas, muchas tablas de madera, una detrás de otra, en fila...
    y un cuadratrack? con ruedas super gordas?
    o en helicóptero, que os desciendan con una cuerda, seguro que el capitán Terrazas se anima (-: (-:

  2. ¡¡¡Santa paciencia!!! Pero, se llega, you know? maybe you should try it with Don Miguel's special tricks or maybeee you can dig a profile? now that you are used to it, it shoulden't be a problem anymore. We think we know someone who would be ready to do it...
    Good luck!
    Seri und Leo

  3. What about Napalm!?
    "I like the smell of napalm in the morning!"
