few weeks ago, the NYT published an article about
pre-Columbian Amazonia. The journalist reported the discovery of pre-Columbian
geometric ditches in the Brazilian Acre. These were actually discovered a
decade ago and were already described in a book edited by Pärsinnen et al (2003)
and again by Pärsinnen et al (2009) in Antiquity, who called them “geoglyphs”. Till
today, no one knows what those ditches were excavated for. As Pärsinnen et al.
(2009) say: “The function, or functions,
of the geoglyphs remain a mystery”. However, the author of the NYT article
says that this discovery shows that Amazonia was densely populated in
pre-Columbian times and is “potentially upending the conventional understanding
of the world’s largest tropical rain forest”.
how can we draw conclusions about how pre-Columbian Amazonia looked like on the
basis of something that we don't even know what it is?
can already hear the answer of those who are pushing for the idea of a densely populated
Amazonia: it is not only the geoglyphs! What about the terra preta? And the
high productive agriculture of the raised fields? And the complex societies of
the upper Xingú?
all these archaeological features have one thing in common: they are found in
sites that cover a very small and often peripheral part of Amazonia. But, let’s
explore these arguments one by one.
preta is an organic anthrosol that is found in small patches (normally less
than 2 hectares) distributed on the bluffs of large Amazonian rivers. Terra preta indicates the presence of
pre-Columbian settlements. But it does not say how many people were living
there at any given time or how complex those groups of people were from a
social point of view. Many publications put together terra preta and terra
mulata under the same label of Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE) and then speculate
about large areas of high productive soils. But Terra preta properties cannot
be extended to terra mulata (which, for example, has far less phosphorous
compared with terra preta and lacks the pottery). As I have already discussed
here and here, the claims about terra preta being the product of intentional
transformation of soil for high productive agriculture have no scientific basis.
Glaser and Birck (in press), who are among the greatest experts of the geochemical
properties of terra preta, say in their latest paper “there is no scientific
evidence indicating that forgotten agricultural techniques for large scale soil
fertility improvement are responsible for terra preta genesis.”
high productivity of raised field agriculture in South America has never been
demonstrated. I wrote a paper about this last year (Lombardo et al. 2011) were it
is shown that raised fields in the Bolivian Amazon (which is, by far, the place
with the highest amount of raised fields in Amazonia) were built to avoid water
logging during periods of extreme precipitations. They were not a pre-Columbian
green revolution but a means to adapt and survive in an unfriendly environment.
Upper Xingú (Heckenberger, 2003):
the upper Xingú, as Meggers (2003) puts it, the “clear evidence” of complex and
large societies is anything but clear: “Heckenberger
et al. state that domestic remains cover about 50 to 60% of the ditched areas
and would represent 10 to 24 houses with 12 to 16 occupants each, but provide
no archaeological evidence for these estimates.”[...] “Heckenberger et al. assert that “Xinguano cultivation and land
management…provides a viable alternative” to modern clear-cutting strategies,
but they do not describe them.” […] “Even
if Heckenberger et al.'s analysis were acceptable, it would have no bearing on
the controversy over the pre-Columbian existence of dense settlements and complex
social organization in Amazonia. Like other regions with ditches, causeways,
and mounds (the Llanos de Moxos, Bolivia; Acre and Marajó, Brazil; and the
western Llanos, Venezuela), the Upper Xingu is environmentally and
geographically peripheral to the rainforest. “
This last quote is probably
the most important. In fact, even if we consider all the archaeological sites
as evidence of pre-Columbian complex societies, they are all located in the
peripheral regions of Amazonia or along the river floodplains called varzea,
the belt of seasonally flooded areas that flanks the Amazonian rivers. Varzea
accounts for only the 2% of the Amazon Basin. The problems of extrapolating
from these few sites to the whole Amazonia have been extensively discussed by
Bush and Silman (2007) and more recently by McMichael
et al (2011) and
Barlow et al (2011). Based
on lake sediments and charcoal distribution analyses, these researchers
conclude that human disturbance in Pre-Columbian Amazonia was localized. As
Mark Bush, from the Florida Institute of Technology,
clearly states: “It is very unlikely that the majority of Amazonia was strongly
impacted by human activity.” (PDF of his talk here). In the words of Barlow et al. (2011): “We therefore urge caution before presuming
that findings from a few well studied regions can be extrapolated to the entire
Amazon, and reject the idea that the pristine myth has been thoroughly debunked
by archeological evidence. Instead, we suggest
that the influence of historical peoples occurred along gradients, with high
impacts in settlements and small and scattered Amazonian Dark Earths, moderate
impacts where enrichment planting occurred or where forests were affected by
anthropogenic wildfires, and finally a largely imperceptible footprint from
subsistence hunting and resource extraction across vast tracts of Amazonian
forests that are far from permanent settlements and navigable rivers
is it possible that the NYT’s journalist, while writing his piece, didn’t bump
into any of these papers?
Woods, a geographer at the University of Kansas, is quoted by the NYT saying: “If one wants to recreate pre-Columbian
Amazonia, most of the forest needs to be removed, with many people and a
managed, highly productive landscape replacing it”. But, I think that before
the scientific community accepts the idea that Amazonia was a highly productive
anthropogenic landscape we need far more evidence than rectangular ditches in
the Acre and patches of anthrosol.
Post scriptum
All this has
important implications for our understanding of the resilience of Amazon
ecosystems and the scale of deforestation in pre-Columbian Amazonia.
Understanding how resilient Amazon ecosystems are can help inform present and
future development and conservation policies for the region. If, as some
authors suggest, there was considerable human disturbance in pre-Columbian
Amazonia, then we can conclude that Amazonia is highly resilient and that the
current degradation of its ecosystems may be reversible. On the other hand, if
this resilience is overestimated, then mistaken policies can lead to
irreversible loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services (Bush and Silman,
2007). Understanding the extent of pre-Columbian human disturbance of Amazonia
is a prerequisite in order to assess the possible influence that post-contact
re-forestation had on global climate. It has been estimated that pre-Columbian
population in Amazonia fell by 95% after the spread of diseases that followed
the arrival of the Spaniards. This sharp fall in population would have meant
that large areas under cultivation before the conquest were abandoned and
re-colonized by the rainforest. As Amazonia is one of the largest terrestrial
players in the global carbon cycle, it has been suggested that the
reforestation that followed the conquest could have sequestrated enough CO2 from the atmosphere to become an important factor in triggering the
Little Ice Age. More on this here.
-Bush, M. B., and Silman, M. R., 2007, Amazonian exploitation revisited: ecological asymmetry and the policy pendulum: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, v. 5, no. 9, p. 457-465.
-Glaser, B., and Birk, J. J., In Press, State of the scientific knowledge on properties and genesis of Anthropogenic Dark Earths in Central Amazonia (terra preta de Índio): Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
-Heckenberger, M. J., Kuikuro, A., Kuikuro, U. T., Russell, J. C., Schmidt, M., Fausto, C., and Franchetto, B., 2003, Amazonia 1492: pristine forest or cultural parkland?: Science, v. 301, p. 1710-1714.
-Lombardo, U., Canal-Beeby, E., Fehr, S., and Veit, H., 2011, Raised fields in the Bolivian Amazonia: a prehistoric green revolution or a flood risk mitigation strategy?: Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 38, no. 3, p. 502-512.
-Meggers, B. J., 2003, Revisiting Amazonia Circa 1492: Science, v. 302, p. 2067.
-Pärssinen, M., Schaan, D., and Ranzi, A., 2009, Pre-Columbian geometric earthworks in the upper Purús: a complex society in western Amazonia: Antiquity, v. 83, p. 1084-1095.
-McMichael, C., Bush, M., Piperno, D., Silman, M., Zimmerman, A., & Anderson, C. (2011). Spatial and temporal scales of pre-Columbian disturbance associated with western Amazonian lakes The Holocene, 22 (2), 131-141 DOI: 10.1177/0959683611414932-Glaser, B., and Birk, J. J., In Press, State of the scientific knowledge on properties and genesis of Anthropogenic Dark Earths in Central Amazonia (terra preta de Índio): Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
-Heckenberger, M. J., Kuikuro, A., Kuikuro, U. T., Russell, J. C., Schmidt, M., Fausto, C., and Franchetto, B., 2003, Amazonia 1492: pristine forest or cultural parkland?: Science, v. 301, p. 1710-1714.
-Lombardo, U., Canal-Beeby, E., Fehr, S., and Veit, H., 2011, Raised fields in the Bolivian Amazonia: a prehistoric green revolution or a flood risk mitigation strategy?: Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 38, no. 3, p. 502-512.
-Meggers, B. J., 2003, Revisiting Amazonia Circa 1492: Science, v. 302, p. 2067.
-Pärssinen, M., Schaan, D., and Ranzi, A., 2009, Pre-Columbian geometric earthworks in the upper Purús: a complex society in western Amazonia: Antiquity, v. 83, p. 1084-1095.
-Barlow, J., Gardner, T., Lees, A., Parry, L., & Peres, C. (2011). How pristine are tropical forests? An ecological perspective on the pre-Columbian human footprint in Amazonia and implications for contemporary conservation Biological Conservation DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.10.013
Thanks for this. I read 1491 casually so it's good to see a skeptical view, since Mann presents stuff in such a sensational way.
ReplyDeleteThanks Melisa, I agree that Mann's 1491 is too sensational, but I think it is not his fault. Unfortunately, there are too many scientific articles out there that support such extremes.
ReplyDeleteThanks Umberto,
ReplyDeleteMuch of this work was new to me also.
Dr. Woods probably based his statement on the work of Dr. Dull et al;
The Columbian encounter led to terrestrial biospheric carbon sequestration on the order of 2 to 5 GtC Climate Forcing.
The Columbian Encounter and the Little Ice Age: Abrupt Land Use Change, Fire, and Greenhouse Forcing - Annals of the Association of American Geographers
The new genetic analysis puts the native American die off at generally 50%, which corresponds with Spanish written records. However local areas may be much higher. High enough for a 5 GtC Climate Forcing afforestation.
Remote Sensing will become the final arbiter to the extent of TP soils;
NASA’s EO-1 hyperspectral imagery data has been used to discern Amazonian black earth.
NASA’s Space Archaeology; $364K Terra Preta Program
The full complement of earth sensing satellites may soon provide general soil carbon assays, using multiple proxy measurements of soil moisture to 3 feet depth, temperature & density, even reading GHG emissions, Dead & Alive biomass from the tree tops down at 1 hectare resolutions when the Orbital Carbon Observer 2 is aloft in 2013.
Sowing Seeds With New Agricultural Carbon Accounting Tool Carbon dioxide emissions from agricultural activity in the United States can now be tracked with unprecedented resolution because of a method developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory team led by Tristram West. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100602131436.htm
The Rapid Assessment of Carbon Project, Providing a Baseline Soil Carbon Survey is 60% complete
NRCS Soils Website: http://soils.usda.gov/
Soils Saves Seas, The new trump card in climate change will be ocean acidity, the new science now shows a simple direct linear relationship between the CO2 levels & acidity, building soil Carbon is the simple solution.
If folk's come to understand how The Anthropogenic Greenhouse Era Began Thousands of Years Ago, this simple solution is obvious.