Monday 20 September 2010

Paper Accepted

My last paper about Pre-Columbian agriculture has been accepted for publication on the Journal of Archaeological Science!!!
In the next days I will give you more details, it should go on-line on Sciencedirect quite soon.
Tomorrow I hope I will be able to leave the Beni for Santa Cruz. They have been burning the pampa for weeks and the air is so smoky that there is not enough visibility for the plains to land on Trinidad airport...
they are so crazy...and stupid!!! Because of the fire hundreds of hectares cultivated with cacao have been lost!!! goes on...and I will probably take the bus :-(


  1. que tengas un buen retorno... que no sea taaaan largo! felicitaciones por el paper - half way through the phd ;-)) hasta prooonto, abrazo Henne

  2. give us some feedback on Montevideo y el buquebus desde Buenos Aires! ¿Qué tal Uruguay? Por cierto, regresas a Suiza via Madrid el día de la huelga general...¿Did you know?
    Qué Dios te pille confesado
    (la choca said...)


    La fuerte sequía y la costumbre de quemar la tierra, chaquear, han provocado este año en Bolivia más de 34.000 incendios con graves consecuencias ambientales, como la pérdida de bosques.
