The Llanos
de Moxos, in the Bolivian Amazon, are a fascinating site. Full of
archaeological remains, striking and diverse tropical fauna and flora and many indigenous
cultures. The Llanos covers about 150.000 km2 of seasonally flooded
savannah. For many years it has been largely neglected by the scientific
community, only a handful of researchers have worked in the area. Fortunately,
things are now beginning to change. In the last half a decade several new
researchers (including myself) have decided to study this fascinating region.
As far as I know, there are now several ongoing research projects in the LM. I
list here those that come to mind:
A few weeks
ago, whilst reading a post on John Walker’s blog, I thought it would be great
if we could all meet next summer in Trinidad,Beni. Actually, Last year I already
talked about organising some kind of meeting among the ‘Moxos researchers’ with
Marcos Michel, currently Director of la Direccion General de Patrimonio
Cultural of the Bolivian Government, and with other people from the Governación
del Beni, and all seemed very keen with the idea. It would be great to share
some of our work and experiences among ourselves, but also among local researchers
and interested parties. There are plenty of Benianos who are passionate about
the past of the LM and some areperforming
their own research (such as Ricardo Bottega in Trinidad or Jaime Bocchetti in
Santa Ana de Yacuma). It could be really interesting to engage in an exchange
of ideas and experiences between “cientificos gringos” and Bolivianos!
If you like
the idea and want to get involved you could do 2 things: 1) if you know of
other ongoing projects in the Llanos de Moxos you could send the link of this
page to those involved and send me their names (so that I can add them to the
list). 2) Let me know when would be the best time for you to have the meeting
in Trinidad, considering that it would have to be during the dry season
(June-October). Keep in mind that there is a conference on Amazonian
archaeology in Ecuador from the 7 to 14 of September, so we should avoid
overlapping. Although I am not entirely sure if the conference has been
Cheers, and
I hope to see you in Trinidad next summer!